I scored a Polaroid Automatic 250 Land Camera off eBay recently and it just arrived the other day. While it was in transit, I ordered some batteries for it from RadioShack.com, and I scooped up the last three packs of Fujifilm fp-100c & fp-100b from Imageworks. I got a chance to test it out after work yesterday. Unfortunately, some shots were sacrificed along the way, but after messing around with the film speed settings and the L/D dial, I was finally able to get some decent shots. The flash that came with the camera has some major battery corrosion, but hopefully I can fix it up somehow. Although the photos do tend to come out slightly on the darker side (I have to turn the L/D dial almost all the way to lighten even in daylight), the blue skies do stand out, and there is a really nice vignetting effect as well. I really like it so far! I also ordered a couple packs of Polaroid 669 film from eBay yesterday... looking forward to trying it out. I'm planning a polaroid excursion with my best friend, Angie (she has the Polaroid Colorpack II Land Camera)... hopefully we can go sometime soon... that should be fun... can't wait! If anyone else is interested in joining us on a fun polaroid excursion, let me know! I'll be sure to post some photos when I get a chance... stay tuned.

Also, forgot to mention that I started a tumblr blog recently. Check it out here: My Tumblr Blog


JAHook photo said...

i like come sistah...

maybe me and chris... that way i won't ruin the girls day out (Chris will)

MindlessMatterz said...

YES! You guys should totally come. I'll let you know when it goes down.

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