Brooke Dombroski: Photographer and Lena Hanson: Hair/Makeup.

When I got the word that Contrast’s fashion shoot for the upcoming issue had been scheduled on a Monday, I quickly turned in my vacation papers and thought nothing of it… there was no way I was going to miss this shoot, and I can honestly say that I’m so glad I didn’t. The concept of this fashion spread... "The Morning After"... is based on the idea of girls wearing nothing but guys tee shirts. Why are these girls only in guys tee shirts, you ask? Well… that’s where your imagination comes into play… the full truth may never be revealed, but I’m sure you’ll be able to cook up a great story in your head as to what events may have led up to "The Morning After". Brooke Dombroski (amazing photographer, graphic designer, artist… just all around amazing girl) rallied up her peeps to make this shoot not only possible, but ultimately a complete success. She managed to get a full team involved with this shoot, which consisted of four shmokin’ hot models, an awesome and truly talented hair & make up artist, and several friends & strangers even, who graciously provided their homes/apartments for locations. From a gorgeous Chinatown high rise, to the sketchy back roads of Kalihi which led to a Nacho Libre-like bachelor pad disguised as some kind of underground nail spa, then following the sounds of music to an empty but cozy Pauoa home, and finally ending by switching up the scenery with the beautiful ocean backdrop at Rock Piles, as onlookers and potential pervs watched… the day was long, yet it went by so fast. I tell you, these fashion shoots keep getting better and better each time! Enjoy these “behind the scenes” polaroids.
Photos taken with my Polaroid Sx-70 and Fujifilm Instax Mini 7s